Learn to Read Oracle Cards

What are Oracle cards used for?

Oracle cards are a divination tool that provides room for reflection and insight. You’ll find oracle decks with themes that range from angels to affirmations, designed to tap into your intuition and offer guidance tailored to your concerns or questions.

Step 1: Choose Your Oracle Card Deck

The first step in your Oracle card journey is selecting a deck that resonates with you. I get asked so often about which oracle deck I’d most recommend, and my answer is always the same: the deck that calls out to you! When selecting your first (or next) oracle deck, you should choose the one that intuitively sings out to you, because the energy and imagery within it will play a significant role in the insights and guidance it offers during readings.

Oracle decks come in a wide array of themes and artistic styles, each with its own unique energy. When you’re browsing through decks, pay attention to the ones that draw you in, the ones that seem to whisper to your soul. Trust that feeling; it’s a sign that this deck has something special to offer you. With countless options available, trust your intuition to guide you towards a deck that speaks to your soul. Whether you’re drawn to traditional symbolism or contemporary artwork, the key is to choose a deck that ignites a sense of connection and inspiration within you.

So, take your time, explore different decks, and know that you’re embarking on a profound and transformative adventure when you find the one that sings to your heart. Your oracle deck will become your trusted companion. It’s the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Angel Answers Oracle Cards by Radleigh Valentine

Fortune Oracle Cards By Sharina Star

Connecting With Your Oracle Cards

When working with any new deck, the first step is always taking the time to properly get to know the deck: conceptually, practically, intellectually, visually, spiritually and energetically. Oracle decks each have their own unique concept, purpose, energy and lexicon. Some, like my oracle decks, also offer the opportunity to work with different spirit guides if you feel called. Staying open to intuitive messages is crucial as they provide valuable guidance and insights while connecting with the deck.

Many oracle decks are encoded with their own teachings, themes, energies and more. e.g. I created Beyond Limitations after working with my inner self 

Deck Lexicon

One thing I love about oracle card decks is the freedom they provide to connect in on a particular topic, theme, energy or guide. The Rose Oracle is a great example of this. It opens up a world of Sacred feminine healing, wisdom, power and a return to nature. It allows us to explore the vast symbolism of the rose as a symbol of the Goddess whilst also connecting with the wisdom within for guidance through Soul Inquiry and transmission prompts. All of these elements are what we call the ‘deck lexicon’.

When we talk about ‘deck lexicon’ we’re referring to the unique systems, styles and vocabulary used to convey deeper meaning and insight throughout the cards. The lexicon is crafted by the oracle author; hence every single oracle deck is different. Unlike the tarot deck, where the lexicon is fixed and the same rules apply across all tarot decks, within oracle decks the system is more fluid and the lexicon is uniquely interwoven throughout the cards of the deck.

Oracle deck lexicon includes symbols, colours and imagery, themes and prompts. To become fluent in this language, always start by spending time with your deck’s guidebook. This guidebook is like your dictionary for interpreting the deck’s lexicon. While Oracle cards come with guidebooks outlining their meanings, the true magic lies in your ability to interpret them intuitively. Instead of relying solely on predetermined definitions, allow yourself to tap into your senses and explore the cards’ symbolism, colors, and imagery.

Trust the messages that resonate with you on a visceral level, and don’t be afraid to let your intuition guide the way.

Step 2: Request For Guidance

Before diving into a reading, it’s essential to set a clear intention and get clear on WHAT it is you’re seeking guidance on. There are so many reasons we turn to oracle cards. Taking the time to get clear on the guidance we’re seeking truly helps the reading feel more focused and ensures accurate readings.

The clearer we can get on the purpose of the reading or the area of guidance, the more easily information will come. It’s like if I wanted to come up with a book title but didn’t even have a clue what the book is about, it would be harder to come up with a good title than if I knew the topic or purpose of the book! The clearer the question we are living into, the easier it is to explore an answer.

Take a moment to reflect on the area of your life where you seek guidance, whether it’s relationships, career, health, or creativity. By articulating your intention, you create a focused container for the energy to flow and guide your reading towards meaningful insights.

Step 3: Shuffle, Spread & Select

It’s then time to shuffle the cards and draw your spread. Trust your intuition as you shuffle, allowing your inner guidance to direct the process. This step is less about technique and all about intention. Whenever I’m shuffling the cards, I hold the question/prayer in the centre of my heart and imagine it emanating all around me, connecting me with the Intelligent Pulse within all things.

Now our cards are shuffled and infused with the purpose of the reading, the next step is to spread and select the cards for your reading. When you feel ready, draw the number of cards that intuitively feels right for your reading. Remember, there are no strict rules—let your intuition be your guide.

What is a Card Spread?

One of the many joys of oracle cards is the endless ways we can work with them through different card spreads.  A card spread is the way the cards are laid out in a pattern and each individual position within that pattern holds meaning. It’s helpful to work with a variety of card spreads that differ in both the number of cards used in each spread, but also the time frames e.g. whether you’re seeking an answer to a question in the moment or looking months or years ahead into the future. Oracle card spreads are more intuitive and custom-created, unlike tarot card spreads, which follow a fixed structure and symbology.

Drawing multiple cards can provide a more comprehensive reading, offering deeper insights and connections between the cards in a spread. Being armed with a variety of different spreads can be a helpful tool to deepen your practice, both when reading for yourself or for others.

One example of a card spread from Rebecca Cambell Healing Waters Oracle is the "Well of Wisdom” spread, a four-card layout designed to provide insights into a specific area of your life. As you select cards for each position, pay attention to the messages they convey and the intuitive nudges you receive.

Position 1: What I am seeing

Position 2: What I am not seeing

Position 3: Possible Outcome

Position 4: The action I am being called to take

Step 4: Observe & Receive the Cards

Next, take a moment to observe the oracle card spread, gazing over the cards, inviting all your senses to receive their colours, patterns, images, words, concepts and symbolism. Notice what the cards are saying to you. Listen deeply to what is seen and unseen. Trust your intuition and initial impressions as you interpret each card’s meaning within the context of your question or intention. Pay attention to your emotional and physical reactions—these subtle cues often hold valuable insights into the messages being conveyed. Notice the spread as a whole. Notice the cards individually. Notice the cards in their relevant position. Notice what you know about the cards.

Notice what you see, hear, feel and what thoughts come up. Take time to receive the cards through all of your senses. Notice the symbols, colours, energies, words and the story arc. What is the story that the cards are telling? Don’t rush this bit.

What do you notice most about the cards? What are the themes or messages? What stands out the most? What story is emerging?

Step 5: Reflection & Grounded Action

Once you’ve completed your reading, take time to reflect on the messages received and how they resonate with your current situation or challenges. Consider journaling your insights, thoughts, and feelings—this process can deepen your understanding and help integrate the guidance received into your life. Remember, Oracle cards are tools for self-reflection and empowerment—embrace the wisdom they offer with an open heart and mind. Just as in a tarot reading, reflecting on the insights gained can provide further clarity and advice.

My teachers taught me that intuition is pointless unless you act on it, as without grounded action it remains in the ethers of possibility. And so, once the reading is over, I find it really empowering to clarify what you are being called to put into action, based on what came up in the reading. Remember, it should be a baby step rather than a leap. For example, if you are being called to write a book, the baby step would not be to ‘write the book’, the baby step would be to write for twenty minutes a day, or to research how to write a proposal for example.


Embracing the Physicality of Oracle Cards

The reason I love Oracle cards is because they are so physical. Anyone can see them and touch them; there’s no question about whether they are really here. Their physicality provides a tangible framework to connect with our intuition.

By learning to work with this framework, each card becomes a grounded gateway for the spirit to speak to you and through you. To understand more about the unique attributes of oracle cards, check out What are Oracle Cards.

Overcoming Intuitive Blocks

Many newcomers to oracle cards struggle because they lack a clear framework to access their intuitive gifts. This was my challenge too, which is why I developed a structured approach to oracle readings after studying the Akashic Records. If you’re transitioning from tarot or curious about the differences

Developing Confidence Through Practice

The journey of mastering oracle cards requires practice and confidence, which builds as you follow the reading framework. 

Engaging More Deeply with Your Oracle Deck

To dive deeper into the specifics of oracle decks, such as understanding the significance of the number of cards and their meanings, explore How Many Cards in an Oracle Deck and What They Represent. This knowledge will enrich your oracle reading experiences and help you select your first oracle deck wisely.

Advancing Your Oracle Reading Skills

Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you might consider taking your skills to the next level. I offer a certified training course that can transform you from a casual enthusiast into a confident oracle card reader.

A Call to Intuition

Embarking on a journey with Oracle cards opens a profound door to your intuition and the universal wisdom. By following these Beginner Steps outlined in this guide, you’ll gain the confidence to trust your inner guidance and navigate life’s journey with clarity and purpose.

Remember, the cards merely reflect the wisdom that already resides within you—trust in yourself, and let your intuition be your guide.