
Guidance Readings

General Card Reading for 13th October 2024

Card 1: The SunThe Sun brings positivity, success, and joy. Tomorrow will be a day of clarity and optimism, where things fall into place, and you feel a strong sense of happiness. This card encourages you to embrace the warmth of the moment, let go of worries, and trust that brighter days are ahead. It’s a day to celebrate your achievements and share your light with others.

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Collective General Reading 7th October 2024

The card pulled for the collective today symbolizes perseverance, strength, and resilience. The figure standing on a hill, holding a wand, reminds us to keep moving forward despite challenges. The bright sky and distant landscape suggest hope and new possibilities on the horizon. This is a message to stay determined and ready for what lies ahead—trust your strength and remain grounded in your journey.

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Weekly Guidance 8th July

Monday: Healing: Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over because a healing as occurred. Stop focusing on what is wrong. Visualize the situation as healed right now.

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Spiritual Information

Learn to Read Oracle Cards

What are Oracle cards used for?

Oracle cards are a divination tool that provides room for reflection and insight. You’ll find oracle decks with themes that range from angels to affirmations, designed to tap into your intuition and offer guidance tailored to your concerns or questions.

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This is that friend who knows you as no one, who guesses your thoughts without having to tell you anything, and who is often able to uncover your feelings before you even know them consciously.
You can talk to him or her about everything without fear of being judged. They know you better than you know yourself and that is why they are so important in your entire life. They are a precious gift and need to be appreciated for it since these soulmates help you overcome all the difficulties and challenges of your path and always come to stay.

There is a common misconception that the soulmate is someone who makes us deeply happy. In fact, soulmates are the ones who make us feel more intensely, which rarely happens peacefully and serenely. This kind of soulmate never appears calmly in your life.
This type of soulmate marks a turning point in your life, a clearly defined “before and after”, and even as this love leaves, we realize that we are no longer the person we were when we first met them. This is that love relationship that leaves us devastated as if a hurricane had passed through our lives.
Its purpose is to make us rebuild it, because when this love appears we were, in a certain way, living a life that was not ours.

This soulmate does not stay in our life forever, but it usually comes as an intense, short-lived love – such as first love, an extramarital affair, or a causal relationship, and ends up winning the contours of a deep friendship.
The lover's soulmate comes to teach us very important lessons about ourselves and brings us other lessons that we will need for our natural growing. Usually, we do not immediately realize the depth of this connection, but as the relationship evolves, we feel that the connection with that person is much more significant than we thought.
The bond with this soulmate tends to always remain a deep friendship since there is mutual gratitude towards what the other person has taught us.

That brief meeting with someone that you did not know but who sat next to you on the plane, the stranger who came to talk to you on the street, or the person you talked to at a party represents a kind of soulmate with whom you have the immediate feeling of “I think that I’ve met this person before “.
Although this meeting is very brief, this person is the one who tells you what you need to hear at that precise moment in your life, someone who helps you understand a problem, or someone whose words will always be in your memory.
The stranger soulmate is someone who has lived other lives with you, and although both your souls have agreed that in this life you would not have “matters to deal with,” that person comes to give you help at some point on your path, even if you never see that person again in your entire life.

The last of these 5 types of soulmates is the love soulmate, the soulmate we all dream to find. It brings together the main characteristics of the other ones: the familiarity, the feeling that you already knew each other, the deep friendship, the intense and extremely powerful bond that never fades but comes to stay.
This is a soulmate whose percussion is closely connected to yours, and you have an important way to go together. It is not more important than the others, but it will always be by our side.

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An Introduction to Auras

Our auras can act like an early-warning device.  For example, at times you may feel uneasy in the presence of a certain person, or maybe when you enter a room, you have this sense that something is wrong even before you can even read the body language.  Because we give off electrical energy and absorb magnetic energy, we can feel this energy force in a room full of people, where varying energies, both positive and negative, are being interchanged.

The aura is an extension of our energies, be it strong or weak, fair or otherwise, light and bright or dull and dense. It is a band of energy that surrounds us, a life energy that can be sensed around every living thing, plants, trees, animals, birds and people.  

There are seven layers of aura, but the most accessible to the human perception are the first three layers surrounding the human body. Auras can be seen with the eyes wide open, or they can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed.  You can also feel it, and many children learn this by briskly rubbing their hands together to heighten the nerve endings, then slowly bringing their palms together until they can feel resistance, but you can also sense where someone else's aura extends.

To give this a go you'll need a willing volunteer.  Seat them on a chair in front of you, facing away from you.  Now close your eyes and focus your energy.  Hold your hands out at a distance from their head or shoulders, and once you feel ready, slowly bring your hands towards them until you meet resistance.  

Now you know where the boundary is, what do you feel?  It could be happy, anxious, sad, even uneasy. Check in with your volunteer and see if they felt the auric contact as well, and how it made them feel.  

It can feel a little weird at first, because our aura is quite a personal, intimate thing and we don't normally bring our attention to it in this way, but with practice you can sense people's energies and it can help us to hone our intuition about people we meet.

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Allowing Abundance to Grow

As a lightworker, you are here to shine your light and uplift humanity. An essential part of your soul’s purpose is being able to support yourself financially so you can focus on your spiritual mission. Abundance allows you to generously share your gifts while taking care of your needs. The universe wants you to thrive, not just survive. By following these 7 steps, you can attract more wealth, prosperity and abundance into your life.


The first step is to fully know, acknowledge and believe that you are worthy and deserving of abundance. Any lingering beliefs that abundance is wrong or negatively judge wealthy people will block you from attracting it. Do the inner work to clear out poverty consciousness and replace it with worthiness.


Be very specific when setting your intentions to attract abundance. Write down exact dollar amounts you want to earn or have in savings and the date you want to achieve it by. Describe your dream lifestyle in detail. The universe can’t deliver what you don’t clearly ask for, so get ultra-clear on your deepest desires.


Make sure your energetic frequency and vibes match the abundance you seek. Stay positive, grateful, excited and passionate. Be generous and loving. The universe mirrors back to you your dominant energetic state, so make it a wealthy and abundant one!


Once you set your intentions, listen for inner guidance on any actions to take. This may involve starting a new business, asking for a raise, or applying for your dream job. Inspired action is different from mindless busywork – it feels good, purposeful and intuitively guided.


While in that high vibe state, speak abundance affirmations out loud daily. For example, “I am attracting wealth and prosperity with ease” or “Divine riches flow to me now.” Affirmations reprogram your subconscious mind to new beliefs. Say them with conviction until they feel true.


Spend time each day visualizing your abundant life as if it is already here. Imagine the feelings of earning more, owning your dream home, or traveling in luxury. Make your visualizations as vivid as possible. This sends a message to the quantum field to manifest this new reality.


Once you set your intention and take action, you must let go and have faith. Avoid obsessing over “how” your abundance will manifest. The universe’s timing and ways are infinite. Instead know it is on its way and gratefully allow it to come to you. Stay in a state of trust.

By following these 7 advanced steps, you activate the natural flow of abundance available to you as a divine lightworker. Your soul’s purpose is supported when you have the resources to share your spiritual gifts powerfully. Know you are worthy, get clear, take action and then allow miracles to unfold. The universe wants you to thrive in wealth and prosperity.


Allowing abundance to flow into your life requires conscious effort, a positive mindset, and actionable steps. By shifting your perspective, embracing gratitude, and taking inspired action, you can create a life rich with opportunities, connections, and fulfillment. Abundance is not a distant dream—it’s a state of mind you can cultivate and experience every day.


You may have read this and thought, “I already know this!” The key is, are you embodying it? Here are some simple steps you can take to begin integrating the information into your life. I encourage you to get cozy and take a little time with this.

  1. Where in your life are things stuck, or not flowing the way you would like them to (career, finances, relationships, health, spiritual connection, personal growth)?
  2. When it comes to abundance in each area, how do you feel about those who are very abundant (ex: rich people, enlightened individuals etc.)
  3. If you looked at your desires, your mindset, and your actions – are they all in alignment?
  4. If one of those things (desires, mindset, actions) is not aligned, what is one simple step you can take to bring them back into alignment?
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How to use Archetypes for Healing & Enlightment

Archetypes are universal symbols or patterns that represent different personality traits, behaviors, and ways of thinking.

The concept of archetypes has been around for a long time, with its origins traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung further developed the idea in the early 1900s, proposing that archetypes are universal, impersonal, and archaic forms of innate human knowledge, themes, and psychological patterns inherited from our ancestors. Jung believed that this information was stored in what he termed the Collective Unconscious and that all cultures and races have contributed to it over time.

Archetypes can be understood as a form of morphogenic field that holds valuable information and serves as a means of transmitting that information across different cultures for the benefit of humanity. In this sense, archetypes can be seen as their own distinct energy templates, and as a practitioner can help us to work with specific energy templates in the body mind that can be a concern.

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How to Reconnect Using Tarot & Oracle Cards

This week I wanted to chat about a way that I love to use my cards to help build self-awareness, confidence and take care of my mental wellbeing. 

I've always struggled with disassociate episodes and anxiety which can often lead me to periods of feeling completely disconnected with not only my body, but also my sense of self. 
When I started reading the Tarot and Oracle Cards, I knew that they were going to be a great tool for helping me with these moments, but it wasn't until I started teaching and thinking about how to educate others in reading the cards, that I came across the perfect technique. 


Using the Cards to Reconnection

The Tarot is a tool for introspection first and foremost and that goes for Oracle cards too. They are a mirror that we can hold up to ourselves and see ourselves in a much clearer light. 

When we feel disconnected from who we are, we can feel very lost and alone. You may find yourself thinking “If I can't figure out who I am or what I want, how can anyone help me?” - a way of thinking I always slip into in those darker episodes. 
Tarot and Oracle cards can provide a support system for this work to help you feel like you know yourself better. To help you better understand your wants, dreams and goals. 
They can also help you to recognise and become more aware of how you see yourself - something I address in a journaling task I teach in my Tarot For Reconnection workshop called the 'Different Lens' task
I want to share this task with you now because I always get amazing feedback from students after we work through it! 


Different Lens - A Tarot or Oracle Card Task

Step 1: Imagine someone has asked you for a simple three-line bio to outline who you are as a person. Take the time now to write it down and keep it to hand. 
Step 2: Grab your Tarot or Oracle cards and give them a good shuffle. Choose one card to work with for the next part of this task, placing it in front of you. 
Step 3: Pretend your card is like a camera lens. Each camera lens allows you to focus on something different. Some lenses offer extreme close ups, some offer a wider, bigger-picture view of your subject. You are your subject, illustrated in this task by your written bio. Your chosen card is the lens you will be looking through.
Step 4: Use the meanings of the card to colour the way you view your yourself. From this perspective, what might you write for your bio now? Do you still see yourself in the same way when in the context of this card's meanings? Write a new bio outlining who you are as a person, but this time from the perspective of your chosen card.  
Once you have both of your bios written down, compare them. Ask yourself how your card changed your focus. Did it make you more truthful about who you are? Did it highlight self-criticism or negative thinking about yourself? Did it make you focus more on your amazing qualities rather than your weaknesses? 
The idea behind this task is to break you out of a set way of thinking about yourself. We often decide who we are and then we don't explore any further. Sometimes we are scared of what we might find if we do and sometimes self-exploration can highlight the parts of the self that we would rather ignore. 
In order to reconnect, we have to take that journey inwards and nobody wants to do that alone. That's why Tarot and Oracle cards are the perfect travel partner to reconnect you with who you truly are. 


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Personal And Tips

How Long Before My Spell Shows Results?

A magic spell is a set of words and actions intended to influence physical, emotional, or spiritual aspects of our lives and spell craft remains an important part of many cultures. So how long do we need to wait before seeing the outcome of our spells?

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