Weekly Guidance - Monday 29th 2024


Your angels are asking you to prepare yourself because there could be many positive things happening all at once this week. That’s awesome, but it can still feel stressful. There is a word for that, ‘eustress’, which literally means stress caused by positive events. It can feel frenzied, exhilarating, but also overwhelming, and it often comes on quickly and sometimes unexpectedly. You are guided to just breathe and allow your instincts and your intuition to guide you through this. Try not to second-guess how you feel. Let this amazing flow of positive energy flow through you as it brings positive people and events into your life. Feel how incredibly connected you are to your inner guidance and the Divine at this time. You are blessed.



Your angels can see that you have been working so hard to improve your life and the life of others. You are loving and kind and generous, and willingly give your time to help others. However, there are times in our lives when we just have to stop and rethink the way that we do things. There’s no point in working yourself so hard that you leave very little time to enjoy the fruits of your labour. It’s imperative that you find some balance in your life. Make a list of your responsibilities and find things that can be eliminated or shared with others. Take a break, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. All the seeds you have planted are coming to life and there are plenty of rewards to come, so lighten up a bit and find some time to enjoy your life.



In the eyes and heart of the divine, you are a beloved child. The divine will give you everything you need to grow and expand and live a life that leads you to joy. However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience some challenges from time to time, where you may have to adapt to or overcome. The most important thing for you to know during these times is that you are loved. You may find comfort in a community of like-minded people who support one another and have similar belief systems. You may like to locate a spiritual mentor or guide who can help you find your way. You may like to adopt a traditional approach, or throw tradition out the window, and go your own way. You are guided to make choices that are based on love.



Your angels accept you just the way you are. Even when you’re going through a challenging time, they still hold you in the highest esteem. They are asking you to see yourself as the angels do, a strong and powerful being… so take some time to reflect on your strengths and challenges and how far you’ve come. The time has come for you to stand up for yourself! Don’t let others create self-doubt or talk you out of what you know is right (for you, at least). You know exactly what you need, and your thoughts and feelings are perfectly accurate. Learn to say no in an assertive but kind way. Listen to your intuition and your instincts, and choose your battles wisely, (Is it really worth the effort or should you just walk away with your head held high!). Your angels are reminding you just how powerful you are, and they will stand by your side through any challenge. You are a Lioness of God!

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