Weekly Guidance - Monday 6th May 2024

Card 1 - Top Left - Share the Message of Love - Daffodil 

Rivers of Love flow within you, and others may benefit from this healing energy. Be mindful of each word that passes your lips.

This card is all about sharing you (within boundries). People take notice of you, how you speak, how you interact and there are some who want to know how you do it. Share with others how it is you deal with the day to day, share how you be kind to yourself (even if it sounds silly). Share your journey and lessons with others in order to help them.

Also a reminder to stop before reacting, something may trigger you this week where you will want to release however while the release is fine, the words you choose without thought may not be.Think before you speak, breathe deep before reacting, step away from the situation instead of allowing yourself to be drawn in to that negative space

Card 2 - Top Right - Purification - White Rose

By purifying your life of negative people, places, and experiences, you attain true peace.

Ooohh some of you who have chosen this card have not done the work required in the past (despite maybe you trying to convince yourself you have).

This is a reminder to let go of it all, the negative toxic people, the drama, don't feed into it. Step away from things that you know make you angry or get you emotional. Set boundaries with people if you are not ready to cut them out completely. Do some meditation work to release and let go of what you are carrying. It is not enough to just say you will do it you actively must do it.

Time to clear your space, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Time to purge, even a 'spring clean' of your home will help shift this energy.

Card 3 - Bottom Left - New Beginnings - Banksia 

Take this as an opportunity to rise from the ashes stronger and more determined

For those who were drawn to this card it is signifying the end of something and the new stepping in.

The end may have just happened, something finalised that you can move on from and this is the sign that you can release and let go of that energy and move into the new. New good things are coming your way.

For others this card is telling you that you are ready for the new beginnings you just have to take the leap of faith in yourself. That leaving behind what currently is not working for you is what needs to be done and that you are strong enough to step into the new.

Card 4 - Bottom Right- Let your inner beauty shine - Pink Rose

You are a brilliant example of God's Love. Everything about you is perfect, so let your light shine and inspire others.

It is time to release any feelings about yourself that you are not good enough or worthy enough. This card really is about loving yourself and being comfortable with yourself as a whole, knowing your worth and knowing you deserve everything.

Love who you are, accept your flaws are what makes you who you are.

You are amazing!

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