How to use Archetypes for Healing & Enlightment

Archetypes are universal symbols or patterns that represent different personality traits, behaviors, and ways of thinking.

The concept of archetypes has been around for a long time, with its origins traced back to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung further developed the idea in the early 1900s, proposing that archetypes are universal, impersonal, and archaic forms of innate human knowledge, themes, and psychological patterns inherited from our ancestors. Jung believed that this information was stored in what he termed the Collective Unconscious and that all cultures and races have contributed to it over time.

Archetypes can be understood as a form of morphogenic field that holds valuable information and serves as a means of transmitting that information across different cultures for the benefit of humanity. In this sense, archetypes can be seen as their own distinct energy templates, and as a practitioner can help us to work with specific energy templates in the body mind that can be a concern.

Why are Archetypes Important?

Archetypes are essential in helping us navigate through life’s challenges, as they offer a way to understand the different parts of ourselves and how they relate to the world around us.


They can also provide a roadmap for personal growth and development, by allowing us to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and work towards becoming the best version of ourselves.

How do Archetypes Manifest in Our Lives?

Archetypes can manifest in our lives in various ways. They can influence our behavior, decision-making, and relationships with others. For example, the Hero archetype may inspire us to overcome obstacles and pursue our goals, while the Shadow archetype may lead us to act out in negative ways, such as jealousy or aggression.

It is now understood that symbolic information is stored in morphogenic fields (m-fields) and encoded on our DNA. Archetypal information is accessed through the right hemisphere of the brain or at the level of the reptilian brain, which is the subconscious mind.

Archetypal frequencies are dynamic and have a significant impact on our thinking and behavior, forming the foundation for our beliefs and actions.

We are born with these archetypal energies that shape our approach to various aspects of life, including how we live, work, relate to others, handle stress, overcome obstacles, and grow spiritually.

How Many Archetypes Are There, and What Are They?

There are several archetypes that have been identified by psychologists and scholars, although the exact number may vary depending on the source.

There are also various types of archetypes, including human, animal, plant, god/goddess, and planet archetypes. All of these archetypes serve the same purpose of bringing different aspects of the human psyche into conscious awareness.

Carolyn Myss is a renowned author, speaker, and teacher who has extensively studied and written about archetypes. According to Myss, archetypes are universal patterns of energy that are present within each individual’s psyche. She believes that archetypes serve as a blueprint for our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, influencing our relationships, career choices, and life purpose.

Myss identifies twelve primary archetypes that exist in every person, including the innocent, the explorer, the sage, the hero, the outlaw, the magician, the regular guy or gal, the lover, the caregiver, the ruler, the creator/artist, and the jester. She believes that these archetypes reflect the different aspects of our personalities and provide us with the tools and resources to navigate through life.

The twelve main archetypes identified by Carolyn Myss are:

  1. The Innocent: The Innocent archetype represents purity, simplicity, and goodness. It seeks to find happiness and avoid pain, and often has a childlike or naive approach to life.
  2. The Explorer: The Explorer archetype is adventurous, curious, and seeks new experiences. It is often associated with a desire for freedom and self-discovery.
  3. The Sage: The Sage archetype represents wisdom, knowledge, and introspection. It values learning and contemplation, and often seeks to share its knowledge with others.
  4. The Hero: The Hero archetype is characterized by courage, determination, and a willingness to sacrifice for others. It often seeks to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness.
  5. The Outlaw: The Outlaw archetype represents rebellion, independence, and non-conformity. It often challenges authority and seeks to break free from societal norms and restrictions.
  6. The Magician: The Magician archetype is characterized by creativity, transformation, and mastery. It seeks to manifest its desires and make the impossible possible.
  7. The Regular Guy or Gal: The Regular Guy or Gal archetype represents normalcy, humility, and reliability. It values simplicity and often seeks to blend in with others.
  8. The Lover: The Lover archetype represents passion, sensuality, and emotional connection. It seeks intimacy and often values relationships and partnerships.
  9. The Caregiver: The Caregiver archetype is characterized by nurturing, compassion, and selflessness. It seeks to care for and support others, often at the expense of its own needs.
  10. The Ruler: The Ruler archetype represents power, authority, and control. It values order and often seeks to lead and govern others.
  11. The Creator/Artist: The Creator/Artist archetype is characterized by imagination, originality, and expression. It seeks to create something new and unique, often through artistic or creative means.
  12. The Jester: The Jester archetype represents humor, playfulness, and irreverence. It often seeks to lighten the mood and bring joy and laughter to others.

Although there are many more archetypes we can work with, those can get you started as you begin to explore these energy fields.

Animal archetypes have long been a part of human life, whether as pets, farm animals, or creatures in the wild. Indigenous cultures have always recognized the spiritual significance of animals and how they can serve as guides or power animals that impact humans on their journey through life.

Can People Have Multiple Archetypes, or Are They Limited to One?

Most people have multiple archetypes, which can change and evolve over time. It’s common to have a primary archetype, which may dominate our personality, but other archetypes can also influence our behavior and actions.

Can Archetypes Change over Time or in Different Situations?

Yes, archetypes can change over time or in different situations. For example, someone may exhibit the Warrior archetype when faced with a challenge, but the Lover archetype when in a romantic relationship. Archetypes can also change through personal growth and development, as individuals work towards becoming their best selves.

How Can I Discover My Personal Archetypes?

There are many ways to discover your personal archetypes, including journaling, meditation, healing sessions, oracle cards and more. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and look for patterns that may indicate you have an inclination towards certain archetypes.

Myss also emphasizes the importance of becoming aware of our archetypes and learning to work with them in a positive way. By understanding the archetypes that are dominant in our lives, we can learn to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and make conscious choices that align with our highest potential. She suggests that we can tap into the power of our archetypes through meditation, visualization, and other spiritual practices.

Overall, Myss views archetypes as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness, providing us with a roadmap for understanding ourselves and others.

Now that you have an idea of how archetypal energy can influence us, you will begin to notice them all around you.

How Can I Work with My Archetypes for Personal Growth and Development?

Working with archetypes can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By understanding our archetypes, we can identify our strengths and weaknesses and work towards becoming the best version of ourselves. This can include setting goals, identifying limiting beliefs, and making positive changes in our behavior and relationships.

In their archetypal form, animals can provide us with support, guidance, and valuable insight into our potential by way of their symbolic meaning. They represent skills and traits that we can adopt to help us more fully engage in life and overcome challenges. Animal archetypes can transform our relationship with ourselves, nature, and the planet as a whole.

It can be as simple as inviting an archetype into your meditation practice or energy work to align with their resonant traits or to help clear aspects of their shadow side you may be expressing.

How Can Archetypes be Used in Healing?

Archetypes can be used in healing by helping individuals identify and work through emotional and psychological issues. By understanding their personal archetypes, individuals can gain insight into their behavior and thought patterns, which can lead to greater self-awareness and emotional healing.

Archetypes represent universal examples of certain behaviors or traits as well as their shadow side. Each archetype is neutral but contains what are known as light and shadow characteristics, reflecting the dual nature of our being. The shadow side is merely the opposite of the light side. Although shadow manifestations are considered undesirable, they can alert us to destructive behavior patterns we may be falling into. Once a shadow pattern has been recognized, it becomes useful and helps us change and embark on a new path of action. Archetypes, therefore, can be thought of as allies or guides when they arise during a session.

During a session, archetypes may arise to provide the client’s hologram with a missing frequency, help the client embody an empowering characteristic, or neutralize an unhelpful frequency that is no longer serving the client (thereby healing old traumas and wounds). They often appear in a session to guide someone through a transition in life.

In sessions, we typically work with a selection of human and animal archetypes. However, if the client is familiar with other variations or sets of archetypes, they can come up in the session to identify energetic networks that need to be addressed.

Archetypes are powerful symbols and patterns that exist in the collective unconscious of human beings. They have been present in cultures and societies throughout history, appearing in myths, stories, and legends. By recognizing and understanding archetypes, we can gain insight into ourselves and our world, and tap into the universal human experiences and themes that they represent. Whether we are exploring our personal identity or analyzing the larger patterns of society and culture, archetypes offer a rich and fascinating lens through which to view our world. By studying and engaging with archetypes, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and others, and unlock new levels of creativity and insight in our lives.

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