How to Reconnect Using Tarot & Oracle Cards

This week I wanted to chat about a way that I love to use my cards to help build self-awareness, confidence and take care of my mental wellbeing. 

I've always struggled with disassociate episodes and anxiety which can often lead me to periods of feeling completely disconnected with not only my body, but also my sense of self. 
When I started reading the Tarot and Oracle Cards, I knew that they were going to be a great tool for helping me with these moments, but it wasn't until I started teaching and thinking about how to educate others in reading the cards, that I came across the perfect technique. 


Using the Cards to Reconnection

The Tarot is a tool for introspection first and foremost and that goes for Oracle cards too. They are a mirror that we can hold up to ourselves and see ourselves in a much clearer light. 

When we feel disconnected from who we are, we can feel very lost and alone. You may find yourself thinking “If I can't figure out who I am or what I want, how can anyone help me?” - a way of thinking I always slip into in those darker episodes. 
Tarot and Oracle cards can provide a support system for this work to help you feel like you know yourself better. To help you better understand your wants, dreams and goals. 
They can also help you to recognise and become more aware of how you see yourself - something I address in a journaling task I teach in my Tarot For Reconnection workshop called the 'Different Lens' task
I want to share this task with you now because I always get amazing feedback from students after we work through it! 


Different Lens - A Tarot or Oracle Card Task

Step 1: Imagine someone has asked you for a simple three-line bio to outline who you are as a person. Take the time now to write it down and keep it to hand. 
Step 2: Grab your Tarot or Oracle cards and give them a good shuffle. Choose one card to work with for the next part of this task, placing it in front of you. 
Step 3: Pretend your card is like a camera lens. Each camera lens allows you to focus on something different. Some lenses offer extreme close ups, some offer a wider, bigger-picture view of your subject. You are your subject, illustrated in this task by your written bio. Your chosen card is the lens you will be looking through.
Step 4: Use the meanings of the card to colour the way you view your yourself. From this perspective, what might you write for your bio now? Do you still see yourself in the same way when in the context of this card's meanings? Write a new bio outlining who you are as a person, but this time from the perspective of your chosen card.  
Once you have both of your bios written down, compare them. Ask yourself how your card changed your focus. Did it make you more truthful about who you are? Did it highlight self-criticism or negative thinking about yourself? Did it make you focus more on your amazing qualities rather than your weaknesses? 
The idea behind this task is to break you out of a set way of thinking about yourself. We often decide who we are and then we don't explore any further. Sometimes we are scared of what we might find if we do and sometimes self-exploration can highlight the parts of the self that we would rather ignore. 
In order to reconnect, we have to take that journey inwards and nobody wants to do that alone. That's why Tarot and Oracle cards are the perfect travel partner to reconnect you with who you truly are. 


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