Weekly Guidance 8th July

Monday: Healing: Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over because a healing as occurred. Stop focusing on what is wrong. Visualize the situation as healed right now.

Tuesday: Music: Your angels guide you to immerse yourself in beautiful music. Add more music to your life. Whistle and sing often. If you have musical gifts, you are being guided to compose a song, join a singing group or band, or play an instrument. Your musical talents will help others.

Wednesday: Forgiveness: Let go of anger and resentment, so that you can be at peace. You may be justified in feeling anger. Yet, look at the high price you pay for being the vessel of anger. Forgiveness does not mean, "What you did is okay to me." It simply means, "I am no longer willing to carry around pain in response to your actions." When we hold unforgiveness in our hearts, we only punish ourselves.

Thursday: Study: Your angels guide you to take time to read, listen, and grow. This is an important time for you to learn new ideas or skills. Enjoy the process of learning.

Friday: Body care: You are being guided to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and avoid toxins. Pay attention to your physical body. Your angels know that if you follow this guidance, you will feel terrific. Your increased energy and happiness is your reward for following the angel's guidance.

Saturday: Freedom: You may feel trapped right now by life conditions. The angels ask you to realize that you are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in your own life. Whenever you realize that you have the power to be free, freedom follows. Everything that you do in life is by choice, and you are free to choose again. The next time you begin a sentence with the words, "I have to," please stop. Wake up saying "I want to!!!, I get to!!!"

Sunday: Celebration: This is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is a time to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude.

Love & Light 



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